


王教授下月就年屆 87 歲(編按:本文原寫於 2011 年),他仍繼續為學校管理、倫理教育和中國書法藝術而講學不休。他出名的地方是其獨特書法風格和他積極推動中國藝術研究。
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Rohit Dugar – 釀啤酒的少爺

【譯:Miumiu Iris Law】

Translation courtesy of Stand News

2005 年,在美國新罕布什爾州的漢諾威,一個年輕大學畢業生與同學結伴前往當地一家小酒館,酒館呈上一瓶他聞所未聞的獨特啤酒: Smuttynose (髒鼻子),瓶身貼著海豹圖案。味道,嚐起來是焦糖襯托的啤酒花芳香,與其他啤酒截然不同:是另一層次的綿密、風味與複雜感。那夜過後,這個年輕人某些想法不再一樣,從此亦不再回首過去。時光快轉到 11 年後,某個和煦明亮得不尋常的十二月早上,在香港荷里活道 The Globe Pub ,因為提早前來午飯的食客而變得熱鬧起來,坐在暖和燈光與擦得發亮的黃銅裝飾之間的,正是 Rohit Dugar ,當年那位來自新罕布什爾州小酒館的男生,今天創立了香港自家品牌「少爺麥啤」,釀出屬於這城市的世界級手工啤酒。 Continue reading “Rohit Dugar – 釀啤酒的少爺”

Au Wei – Shipwright, Junk Builder

When we arrive at the deserted Kwong Ming Shipyard after a short walk along Tam Kung Temple Road in Shau Kei Wan, Mr Au (亞神) is asleep. His dog eyes us suspiciously and barks the drowsy shipwright awake. Mr Au’s somnolence makes sense for a semi-retired 87-year-old and given the steep decline in the construction of wooden boats in Hong Kong. Boatbuilding has been his livelihood for over 60 years. Things were different in the past, and as recently as the 1990s, his yard produced most of the wooden boats built locally. Continue reading “Au Wei – Shipwright, Junk Builder”

Rohit Dugar – Brewer

2005, Hanover, New Hampshire. A young grad student joins his classmates at a local tavern. He’s served an unusual beer, something he’s never tried before: ‘Smuttynose’. The bottle has a picture of a seal on it. The taste: an aroma of hops paired with caramel. It’s different; another level of richness, complexity and flavour. Something changed in that young man’s mind that evening and he’s never looked back. Flash forward 11 years to an unusually warm and bright December morning, here in Hong Kong. The Globe Pub, off Hollywood Road, is abuzz with an early lunchtime crowd. Amidst warm lighting and brass fittings polished to a gleam sits Rohit Dugar, the man from the New Hampshire tavern, now founder and brewer at Young Master Ales, purveyor of world-class beers, from right here in Hong Kong. Continue reading “Rohit Dugar – Brewer”

Yum Wai-sang, Traditional Letterpress Printer

It’s a late October morning and the city has shut down as typhoon Haima makes landfall. Despite the storm outside it’s business as usual at the Kwong Wah Printing Company on Sai Street in the quiet neighbourhood of Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan. In fact Yum Wai-sang, the second generation owner of Kwong Wah has been running his letterpress late into the night in spite of the storm. Pulling levers, turning knobs and daubing ink with a palette knife, Mr. Yum makes minute adjustments and calibrations to a huge jet black press. It inks itself and pumps out prints, by the hundred, with Teutonic precision. It pneumatically inhales paper like a champion sprinter regulates breath, with easy power. Continue reading “Yum Wai-sang, Traditional Letterpress Printer”

Mark Lau, Wan Chai Barber

Since 1962 Oi Kwan Barber’s has been running out of a tin shack in an alley between two old Wan Chai tenement buildings.  Over five decades the little shop on Spring Garden Lane has taken care of the neighbourhood’s barbering, serving men from all walks of life who reclined, gossiped, debated and joked while the barber, Master Lau, lathered and shaved, clipped and faded under the gentle breeze of a revolving fan.   Continue reading “Mark Lau, Wan Chai Barber”

Professor Wong Chai Lok – Scholar, Educator, Calligrapher

Professor Wong Chai Lok, also known by his aliases ‘Ming-Fu’ and ‘Lok-Yung’, is renowned both for his major contributions to education in Hong Kong and to Chinese calligraphy. Over his long career, Professor Wong held many public and private posts, including Inspector of Schools and Headmaster of Government Schools. He has worked for over 60 years to promote Primary, Secondary and Adult Education in Hong Kong.  In the past few years Professor Wong and his wife have been using proceeds from the sale of his calligraphic works to build three schools in Guangdong and Guizhou.  This project has been supported by his friends and students. Continue reading “Professor Wong Chai Lok – Scholar, Educator, Calligrapher”